Dava sonları

Ev çok güzel → The house is very nice.

Evi alıyoruz → We are buying the house.

Eve gidiyorum → I am going home.

Evde bira içiyorum → I am drinking beer at home.

Evden geliyoruz → We are coming from home.

Evin bahçesinde bekliyorum → I am waiting in the garden of the house.

Singular English Plural English
Nominative anne mother anneler mothers
Genitive annenin "of the mother" "mother's" annelerin "of the mothers" "mothers'"
Dative anneye to the mother annelere to the mothers
Accusative anneyi mother (direct object) anneleri mothers (direct object)
Ablative anneden from the mother annelerden from the mothers
Locative annede in/on/at the mother annelerde in/on/at the mothers
Instrumental anneyle with the mother annelerle with the mothers
Singular English Plural English
Nominative kuş bird kuşlar birds
Genitive kuşun "of the bird" "bird's" kuşların "of the birds" "birds'"
Dative kuşa to the bird kuşlara to the birds
Accusative kuşu bird (direct object) kuşları birds (direct object)
Ablative kuştan from the bird kuşlardan from the birds
Locative kuşta in/on/at the bird kuşlarda in/on/at the birds
Instrumental kuşla with the bird kuşlarla with the birds
  • X-[y]-i → the X (object)
  • X-[y]-e → to the X
  • X-de → at the X
  • X-den → from the X
  • X-[n]-in → of the X

This works for all simple nouns, like ev, araba, pencere, masa etc.

But if your X is a compound noun, in the format of " Q-in Z-[s]-i " or " Q Z-[s]-i " (which are: the Z of the Q, and, the Q Z, respectively), then there is a small change. First of all those [y]s become "n", and also you add an "n" before -de and -den.

The word "havalimanı" looks like one word, but it's actually a hidden genitive.: "hava" (air) and "liman" (port) came together and formed: hava limanı. If you look closely, this is under the Q Z-[s]-i format. (Q = hava; Z = liman)

  • Havalimanı-[n]-ı → the airport (object)
  • Havalimanı-[n]-a →  to the airport
  • Havalimanı-[n]-da → at the airport
  • Havalimanı-[n]-dan → from the airport
  • Havalimanı-[n]-ın → of the airport

So that's how we get "havalimanının".

Next: we want to combine "havalimanının" and "kuzey", and we get

"havalimanının kuzeyi" (now the format is: "Q-[n]-in Z-[s]-i", where Q = havalimanı and Z = kuzey). So again, let's define this:

  • Havalimanının kuzeyi-[n]-i → the north of the airport (object)
  • Havalimanının kuzeyi-[n]-e → to the north of the airport
  • Havalimanının kuzeyi-[n]-de → in the north of the aiport

"Evim" = my house, "evde" = at home (house), "evdeyim" = I am at home/I am in the house, "bir evdeyim" = I am in a house.